Tips for Preventing Wandering in Aging Adults with Dementia

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Dementia symptoms such as memory loss and confusion can lead to wandering behaviors, which place your senior loved one’s safety at risk. Although people often associate wandering with the later stages of dementia, it can happen at any time. Make sure to add the following wandering prevention tips to your loved one’s care plan to help him or her stay safe.

Keep a Regular Routine

Seniors with dementia need help organizing their days. If possible, make sure your loved one does activities such as eating and bathing at the same times each day. Maintaining a regular schedule may prevent your loved one from trying to leave the house under the belief that he or she is heading out for lunch or a haircut.

If you’re concerned about the possibility of your loved one wandering, consider hiring a professional caregiver to keep him or her safe. If your senior loved one needs professional in-home care, Assisting Hands Home Care Portland is here to help. We are a trusted provider of respite and 24-hour care, and we also offer specialized Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, and stroke care for seniors.

Identify Your Loved One’s Riskiest Times

Wandering can occur during any part of the day or night. However, some seniors seem to prefer wandering during specific times. For example, you may find your loved one trying to leave for work in the mornings despite being retired. Alternatively, your loved one may accidentally leave the house if he or she mistakes the front door for the entrance to the bathroom. Once you know when your loved one is most likely to wander, you can be more alert during these times.

Help Your Loved One Stay Active during the Day

Nighttime wandering is perhaps the most frightening because it could be hours before you notice your loved one has left. Prevent late-night wake-ups by making sure your loved one gets enough exercise during the day. Help your loved one start a workout routine, and encourage independence as he or she does things such as getting dressed and preparing meals. This way, your loved one may be tired by bedtime.

Provide Overnight Care

At times, even being active during the day may not be enough to keep your loved one from wandering at night. However, you need your rest at night to be able to help him or her during the day. Arrange for overnight professional care services. With a professional caregiver, you can trust someone is watching to make sure your loved one doesn’t leave the home.

Even when families have the best intentions, caring for a senior loved one with dementia can be challenging. Fortunately, Assisting Hands Home Care is here to help. We are a leading provider of dementia care. Portland families can take advantage of our flexible and customizable care plans, and our caregivers always stay up to date on the latest developments in senior care.

Set Up an Alarm System

For many families, locking the front door from the inside isn’t an option because of the need to escape in case of an emergency. However, you can set up an alarm system that alerts you when your loved one leaves the bedroom or the house. If you use an alarm system, make sure all your loved one’s caregivers know how to turn it on and off.

Use GPS Technology

Consider adding tracking devices to your loved one’s wardrobe. For example, shoe inserts with GPS tracking systems can help you identify your loved one’s location if he or she wanders away from home. You can also find pendants, bracelets, and other wearable items with GPS tracking technology.

Caring for a senior with dementia can be challenging for family members. Families looking for top-rated Portland homecare providers can reach out to Assisting Hands Home Care. From respite care to specialized Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s care, there are many ways we can make life easier for seniors and their loved ones. To learn more about our premier in-home care plans, call us at 503-664-7934 today.