Why Do Seniors Need At-Home Care? 

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Assisting Hands Home Care Brings Great At-Home Care Services To You 

Where can you find top-notch at-home care services in Greater Portland, Clackamas, and Multnomah counties? At Assisting Hands Home Care, of course. Our team has the training and experience necessary to provide professional at-home care that keeps our elderly patients safe and comfortable. Call Assisting Hands Home Care Portland to learn more about how at-home care can help your family! 

At-Home Care Allows Seniors To Be Comfortable In Their Own Homes 

Lets’ face it – no one likes the idea of giving up their independence. For seniors who need day-to-day help, the idea of being forced to live somewhere other than their familiar and comforting home can be a dreadful one. At-home care for seniors is the solution that allows them to maintain comfort and independence while getting the care they need. 

Why Do Seniors Need At-Home Care? 

No two of our patients are the same and there are many reasons why your loved one might benefit from at-home care. Consider the following reasons why your elderly family member might need at-home care services from Assisting Hands Home Care. 

  • Memory impairment 
  • Stroke 
  • Frail condition 
  • Limited mobility
  • Lack of companionship 
  • Inability to keep up with household chores 
  • Recovery from illness or injury 

Assisting Hands Home Care can help with all of these issues and more! When your family member signs up for our Ensure Elder Care Management services, we’ll develop a custom plan to make sure we’re attending to their specific needs. Call today! 

Assisting Hands Home Care Offers Experienced At Home Care Services 

Curious about what Assisting Hands Home Care can offer our patients? Check out our full list of services. Don’t wait to seek out the aid you need at home – call on Assisting Hands Home Care for high-quality in-home care services. We also have job opportunities for those who are interested in a career as a caregiver. To learn more contact us today, or simply apply today!