At-Home Care In Multnomah County 

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Multnomah County Elders Can Rely On Assisting Hands Home Care 

The team at Assisting Hands Home Care is eager to provide care to seniors in Greater Portland, Clackamas, and Multnomah counties. If you have a loved one who needs professional at-home care services so they can live comfortably and safely at home, don’t hesitate to call us. Assisting Hands Home Care Portland makes it possible for seniors in the Multnomah County area to get high-quality at-home care. 

Do You Need At-Home Care In Multnomah County? 

Naturally, many of us become proud of our independence as we grow. You’ve worked hard to live your life as you please. If you are lucky enough to have a home of your own, you take pride and comfort in it. Unfortunately, however, it isn’t always possible for seniors to continue living totally on their own. 

You’re Not Alone – Assisting Hands Home Care Can Help 

Multnomah County seniors, you’re not alone in your struggle to maintain a safe and comfortable home life. Millions of seniors across the country struggle with the same thing. Many of those seniors choose the solution that allows them to remain safely and comfortably at home. That solution is at-home care. 

Assisting Hands Home Care Provides Top-Notch At Home Care 

Through our Ensure Elder Care Management services, the Assisting Hands Home Care team is ready to provide the help you need. We provide individualized care to each of our patients in Multnomah county. Call us today to learn more! 

Assisting Hands Home Care Offers Experienced At Home Care Services 

Curious about what Assisting Hands Home Care can offer our patients? Check out our full list of services. Don’t wait to seek out the aid you need at home – call on Assisting Hands Home Care for high-quality in-home care services. We also have job opportunities for those who are interested in a career as a caregiver. To learn more contact us today, or simply apply today!