Our Process

First Call
Summary: We answer our own phones 24×7. You’ll be greeted by a professional who will answer your question, or transfer you to someone who can better assist you, or take a callback in which the right person will return your call within hours.
You can expect to be greeted by knowledgeable professionals who genuinely care about our clients. Our primary goal on the first call is to understand the medical condition(s), and the concerns and needs you have for your loved one. We understand that everyone is unique and we take the time to understand each person’s specific situation. Our second goal is to schedule a date and time for a no-cost, no obligation consultation or Initial assessment.
Select the Care You Need
Initial Assessment
Summary: Our Owner or Nurse will visit each client at their place of planned residence to evaluate the condition and needs in order to discuss options, and develop a customized care plan.
Client safety is our foremost concern. Be assured that the person coming to you place is fully COVD-19 vaccinated. You can expect we will be wearing a facemask. We will have a business card or be wearing a nametag so that you know that we from Assisting Hands Home Care Portland. We will come out to a location of your choice to meet the client, your family, and you get a chance to meet us as well. You can expect us to ask a lot of questions and most importantly to listen to what is being said. We’ll take detailed notes so that we can begin the creation of a customized care plan. You’ll get the opportunity to ask all the questions you have as well.
We will provide a lot of material for you to keep handy and read at your convenience.

Mutual Decision to Move Forward
Summary: Let’s move forward
If you like what you’ve heard and are ready to move forward with us, and we feel the same, then there are a few documents we have to sign. The documents still do not obligate you or lock you in with us. In some circumstances, we may ask for a deposit. The decision to move forward can happen at the initial assessment or we can leave the documents with you to sign at another time. We’re confident in our quality of care, and competitive prices. You’ll find we are not a high-pressure sales company.

Transition to our Client Care Coordinator & Scheduling
Summary: Let’s get days, time and caregivers assigned.
As soon as we get the documents signed and returned to us or a verbal agreement in emergencies, our client care coordinator(s) will call to introduce themselves and confirm the schedule. You have the ability to change the schedule as we know that life happens and plans change. This induvial becomes your day-to-day contact.
After the initial assessment, the owner or nurse will create the customized care plan in our system. The following day, during our “morning rounds” we will talk about the client, their needs, and what kind of caregiver would be the best fit for this particular client. The client care coordinator will advise you who the caregiver will be prior to the first visit.

Initial Visit
Summary: The caregiver and the owner or nurse) come to the house for the first visit
With safety in mind once again, the same person who did the initial assessment, will meet the caregiver and make a joint visit for the first time together. You have no idea who our caregiver is (even if they have an Assisting Hands badge). We call this is a “warm transfer” where we can introduce our caregiver to the client and any family members that are there. We will summarize the care plan with everyone in attendance. If any corrections need to be made, clarifications will be made and the system will be updated accordingly. The owner/nurse will then leave allowing the caregiver and client to begin to bond and to allow the caregiver to do the tasks on their care plan.
Weekly Calendar
Summary: You will get an automated weekly calendar to see what’s scheduled for the next week
Our system will automatically generate a schedule showing you the days, times and caregiver(s) assigned to your loved one. This gives you the chance to verify the schedule or make any changes well in advance.

Supervisory Visits
Summary: We make supervisory visits for quality control
We expect our caregivers to execute on the care plan we’ve taken time to create. Over time, those care plans need updated or changed. We will make supervisory visits to check-in on the condition of your loved one and to ensure that our caregiver is doing what they are supposed to.
Remote Access
Summary: We are fully transparent and can make our system open to you
By request, we can allow those family members who live remotely to access our system. They would have limited access to only their loved one and limited view-only capabilities to see the schedule and care notes. However, this capability ensures transparency between Assisting Hands and the family. It can also be possible allow access to client’s physician as well.